Our History

From left to right: Nicky Loizou , Cliff Edwin, Master Phil Somerset , Alex Edwin

Left to right: Instructor Nicky Loizou , Master Cliff Edwin, Master Phil Somerset , Master Alex Edwin



New Wave Academy of Martial Arts will be thirty years old Christmas 2025.  However, through Master Phil Somerset, Masters Alex Edwin and Master Cliff Edwin, the club has existed in one guise or another for over fifty years!

Master Phil Somerset (6th Dan in Taekwondo and 4th Dan in Hapkido) started training in Taekwondo and Hapkido whilst in the army in 1968.  After leaving the army, Master Somerset was one of the first to start teaching TKD in London and opened various TKD classes throughout South East London and Kent.  In 1975, he opened a class at Silverlock Tenants Hall in Bermondsey, where in 1978 a young teenager came under his tutelage.  Master Phil describes him as, ‘having watched one or two, too many Bruce Lee movies,” but says, “I soon cured him of that!’  Over forty years later, Master Alex Edwin has continued to pass on the knowledge he gained from Master Somerset.

In 1984, Master Cliff Edwin followed his brother and began to practice Taekwondo under Master Somerset. However, in 1987, Master Somerset and his family decided to move south to Somerset, of all places, where they reside to this day.  Between 1987 – 1995 the club underwent many changes, as Alex and Cliff took over the running of it. However, the teachings and principles instilled by Master Somerset have remained at its heart.

In December 1995, Master Alex and Master Cliff Edwin established New Wave Academy of Martial Arts, with Master Somerset as the Chief Instructor.

Discover some of the highlights from the last decade at New Wave, including Masters Alex and Cliff’s journey to Korea and Australia, by reading our blog!


  • Commencing her martial arts journey in 1995, Instructor Rochayhra Edwin immersed herself in the teachings of Master Phil, Master Alex (her father) and Master Cliff (her uncle). Growing up in the realm of Martial Arts provided Rochayhra with opportunities for skill development in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Mauy Thai and many other martial arts. Her knowledge and development has been influenced by many great masters, instructors and students that have come into contact New Wave over the decades.

    Rochayhra has trained at a high level, participating in national and international competitions across Europe. Her achievements include victories at the British Regional Taekwondo Championships and multiple gold medals in sparring and patterns (poomsae) at the World Taekwondo Federation Competitions at an international level.

    Attaining her 1st Dan Black Belt in 2007 marked a significant milestone. Rochayhra continues to learn, grade, and train diligently, all with the aim of providing optimal lessons and support to the students she currently instructs.

  • Instructor Andre holds a Black Belt and boasts over 15 years of experience in martial arts. His expertise extends to Hapikido, Traditional Taekwondo, and other martial arts, where he honed his skills under the guidance of accomplished instructors and his family.

    Engaging in different martial arts clubs, including his University Taekwondo Team, he not only contributed his teaching skills but also gleaned valuable insights from fellow students and accomplished instructors.

    With over 7 years of teaching experience, Instructor Andre takes pleasure in imparting the knowledge and teachings acquired from his mentors.

  • Adji began her martial arts journey in 2013, taking her first steps at the Miami Health Club—a place that became the starting point for a deeply personal and transformative adventure for her.

    With dedication and perseverance, she has trained diligently at all of our locations, immersing herself in the diverse teachings of our instructors and masters. Drawing from their collective wisdom, Adji has grown both as a student and an instructor. Now, she shares her knowledge and passion with the upcoming generation, guiding them on their own paths towards mastery.

    As she continues her journey to Black Belt, Adji exemplifies the spirit of continuous learning and the commitment to passing on the tradition of martial arts to those who follow in her footsteps.

  • Oliwia embarked on her martial arts journey in 2016, and her dedication has propelled her forward on the path to achieving a black belt.

    Oliwia commenced her martial arts journey at The Green Community Centre, laying the foundation for her impressive achievements. Along her path, she has not only demonstrated dedication but has also secured gold medals in pattern (poomsae) competitions, both in the individual and group categories.

    A committed student, Oliwia not only excels in her training but has also chosen to generously give back to our community. Currently, she volunteers her time to support and guide our younger Tiger and Junior students, embodying the spirit of leadership and friendship within our martial arts family.

Over the last three decades, numerous individuals at New Wave Academy have achieved the esteemed status of Black Belt. A considerable number of our accomplished martial artists have gone on to pursue remarkable endeavours. Our pride stems from the fact that many of our students have ascended to leadership positions in such diverse fields as, the film industry, education, and publishing. A few have even gone on to establish their own TKD clubs within the United Kingdom and abroad. It is gratifying for us to have played a role in their journeys. Furthermore, some of our students have chosen to remain connected with New Wave Academy, generously dedicating their time and imparting their knowledge, as acquired from such esteemed figures as Master Phil, Master Alex, Master Cliff, and Instructor Nicky, to the next generation of upcoming Black Belts.

Take a glimpse into New Wave's history

“ What does New Wave represent… Fire, Will, Determination Sir!”